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From Midwest Today, Fall 1999
In her new book, the Michigan
psychic/intuitive shares her secrets
By Zade Duval
World-famous psychic instructor, aid to law enforcement
agencies, and popular guest on talk show, Michigan-born Char Margolis
inspires and amazes all who meet her with her special gift of
bringing the supernatural down to earth. Now, with her book "Questions
from Earth, Answers from Heaven," (St. Martin's Press), Char
shares her methods to recognize, develop and use the intuitive
abilities found within each of us. She reveals how intuition -
when properly tapped into - can help achieve peace and happiness
in one's life.
Ms. Margolis' new book (with Victoria St. George) offers advice
for true seekers everywhere to discover the power and promise
of their own natural psychic abilities. Char offers both practical
advise and spiritual uplift. Through true stories and simple exercise,
she teaches people how to unlock the so-called "sixth sense"
and therefore learn about the joy (and danger) she says can be
found in the spirit world. In this handbook she also gives tips
on how to use one's own intuition to enhance one's life, even
more than the other five senses together can achieve.
Ms. Margolis, who divides her time between doing reading for abroad-based clientele and teaching other in the way of psychic intuition, also offers comprehensive training workshops to accelerate the ability of individuals and corporations to utilize day-to-day insights as well as the deepest intuition as part of the decision-making process.
In response to skeptics, she can point to an impressive string of success stories, certified by independent and credible third parties, such as law enforcement agencies who have called her in to help locate missing persons or solve crimes.
Enhancing her credibility is the fact that Char refuses to endorse those "psychic hotline" TV appeals. Her book, in fact, takes aim as some of the unscrupulous ones.
Barbara Walters call her "amazing." Larry King says that in reading the book "you will learn that the most important voices just aren't on television." Regis Philbin says "I still don't know how she does it." Ricki Lake says "I'm so impressed with her intuition and insight. She has really touched my life." Joan Lunden echoes these sentiments and says "Char never cease to amaze me."
Neal Lawrence wrote in a previous story on Char in this magazine in 1995, "instead of making generalized observations, unsupportable predictions or educated guesses, she hones in on specific and incredibly personal detail. Five minutes into our reading I got a cold chill down my spine. I have never seen anything like it before. Her comments were specific, detailed and personal."
Midwest Today's own editor and publisher, Larry Jordan, is mentioned in the book.
Iris martin, author of "From Couch to Corporation," and CEO of Creative Dimensions in Management, a global consulting firm, exclaims, "In this age of information technology and global competition, Char is the vest friend a CEO can have. She is tally giving of both her gifts and her teaching of others to utilize their own intuitive abilities. She enables corporations to increase their competitive advantages by utilizing both her methodology and willingness to support them in developing their intuitive capacities."
Char resides in Michigan and regularly commutes to Los Angeles and New York. She took time from a 13-city promotional tour to talk with us recently.
Why did you write this book?
I wrote the book to help people to take away their fears of death by knowing we see our loved ones again when we pass over to the other side, and fear of living by knowing the universe will tip us off when we listen to our thoughts. Because our thoughts have power, they have wings, they create reality. And we're all intuitive. This is not about me. This is about all of us. We all have that gut sixth sense. And if we learn to listen, it can help us prevent problems and attain goals.
Life is a school and we're here to learn. Most things in life are not predestined. Only certain thins are. Most things we create, we have choice, we have free will,. And it's up to us to make the wisest choices.
"Women's intuition" is a catch phrase that's been used for a lot of years. But what about men's intuition"? Do you think one sex is more intuitive than another?
I absolutely do not think women are more intuitive than men. In Fact, the better psychics that I know are men. I suppose women have been taught they can feel more and they can cry and they don't have to put up walls. And perhaps since being psychic is also being sensitive to other people's feelings [there's] a tendency to [thin] more women are like that. But I think it's more equal.
We know you're not real fond of the psychic hotlines. What's wrong with them?
I have worked very hard to develop the reputation that I have, and I will put my name behind anything I say or do. But I wouldn't put my name on [a psychic hotline] because I don't know who these people are. Even if they are psychic, I don't know if they're listening to positive things or negatice things. Just because someone's psychic, it doesn't mean that they're pure of heart, and pure of soul, and have a clear conscience.
It's like a ouiji board. It does work, but I will never touch one. And I suggest that anyone (reading this) doesn't touch one. Because it can tell a kid nine great things, it will spell out names and situations, and then the tenth thing thing it will say 'Go to the internet, learn to build a bomb, and blow up your school."
If kids really become attached to this psychologically, they may go do that.
So I guess the point I'm getting at is, I'm sure there are some talented psychics on the hotlines, you just don't know who you're getting.
Is there any criteria for determining whether the person you're dealing with is psychic?
My suggestion is to go to someone who has a reputation, who you know somone who went to them before and they got help. I'm not saying don't go to psychics. I think it's good to go to a psychic, like going to a doctor. You can get a check-up. And somebody can see things for you that you can't see yourself, because you're too close to it. But the best way to do it is by referral and a psychic's reputation.
You're very careful not to allow any of your clients to become dependent on you.
My client's are only allowed (readings) once or twice a year. Now I have had businessmen who come maybe three times a year, because they have so much going on that there's not enough time in 45 minutes to get to every issue in their lives. But usually it's once or twice.
One of the most intriguing aspects of what you do is communicating with people that have gone on. How does that work?
Well, (laughing) I call myself the most affordable long-distance carrier to the other side, I say that in jest. You know, you have to have a sense of humor with everything in life. But I truly believe that there is a spirit world, and that we do communicate through thoughts, with our loved ones on the other side, Just like we communicate with people living.
Have you ever wanted to call someone, and you go to pick up
the phone and the phone doesn't even ring and they're on the line
and it's that person you wanted to get a hold of?
This not an uncommon thing. This happens all the time. You may
be thinking of somenone and go shopping and run into them.
We are all spirits in physical bodies. And when we pass over to the other side, we are still who we are. We all have our own unique energy thumbprint. We are still that individual. And we take with us when we pass over who and what we are, and our deeds that we accomplished on the earth.
That's why I feel it's so important to look in a mirror every day and be able to live with yourself.
When a spirit is with you, they will give you signs. When you read the book, it will show you some of those signs.
How do you respond to critics who may say that all of this is of the devil?
It makes me wonder why people would say that about something that would bring peace and love and compassion to others, to take their fears away. It makes me wonder why, if somebody is being tipped off in life not to trust someone in business, it's a gut feeling, or if they have a dream about their father, their mother, their grandmother that says 'Don't marry that man, he's not good for you,' or 'Don't do business with that person, they're not good for you' I don't know why that would come from the devil, when they're trying to save someone's life. I don't understand that.
In a famous case a number of years ago, you helped the Air Force find Dean Martin's son, Paul, whose plane was missing. Can you give us a thumbnail view of what this is all about?
I have not done a lot of those because it's very time consuming. And the only time I work on these cases is when the police or FBI or United States Air Force - or whatever government or legal agency it is work with me as a team. It's not all about me being an amazing person. It's about me using my gifts, them using their logic and all the evidence that they have. When we all put our minds together, and work as one, that's when it gets accomplished, When egos get in the way, it doesn't work. Ego means edging God out.
I Get great satisfaction from helping a family find who murdered their child. Or helping a family find peace and contentment when somebody in their family is missing and we try to help find them. Or in helping a mother who's lost her child at 17 years of age from cancer when I can give her proof and [tell her details and] situtations about that child that nobody else could know, to bring peace of mind in knowing her baby is okay in heaven.
Some would ask, if you're psychic, why don't you pick the winning lotto numbers?
I read for two people in the last few months who did win the lottery, and each one of them had a gut feeling to go buy a ticket, That was their gift, and they followed through on it.
Is there something that people don't understand about this field you'd like to set straight?
We are all psychic, we all have gifts. And when we all tune into that, we can help ourselves and make our lives flow much more easily.
Call Char at 248-356-5360, visit her on the web at www.psychicchar.com, or see our earlier story also on the Midwest Today website (in the "Celebrities" section). Make sure you tell her you heard about her through Midwest Today!
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