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Midwest Today, June 1995


Michigan woman has famous clients


We've all seen those so-called "psychic hotline" 900 numbers advertised on late-night TV by has-been celebrities and assorted wannabes and guys with bad toupees. And there are a lot of charlatans around - people using palmistry, tarot cards, tea leaves and crystal balls to purportedly see into the future. It's laughable, absurd and easily dismissable.

Yet down through the ages of antiquity, clairvoyants have played an important role in human history. If indeed there are any around yet today who have some credibility, one of them has to be an Oak Park, Michigan woman, who goes by the name of "Char" and claims to be "psychic-sensitive." After having experienced a recent demonstration of her abilities, this Midwest Today writer has very reluctantly laid aside his skepticism about her, at least.

An attractive, feminine brunette who has made appearances on "Larry King Live" and "Entertainment Tonight," as well as shows with Regis and Kathy Lee, Sally Jesse Raphael and Vicki Lawrence, Char defies the stereotype. Instead of making generalized observations, insupportable predictions or educated guesses, she hones in on specific and incredibly personal detail during a psychic reading. She is so unequivocal in her pronouncements, if she were merely guessing, she would stand to be very wrong. Yet the insights she divines are astonishingly accurate.

Recently we spoke with Char when she called us from California, where she consults regularly with celebrity clients.

Before our interview proceeded, she asked if it was all right to do a reading. What ensued was a 30-minute sort of stream-of-consciousness session that was eerily accurate and insightful, so much so that five minutes into it I got a cold chill down my spine. I have never seen anything like it before. This wasn't the sort of "you're going to come into money" kind you of predicting, or flattering hyperbole designed to stroke the ego. Her comments were specific, detailed and personal. So personal, in fact, it is impossible for anyone to have known some of these things. Yet Char seemed to know. There were a couple of instances in which she seemed to be off, but in reviewing a tape of our interview, I realized later I had inadvertently given her the wrong answers. She had been right! Some examples:

Char began by urgently bringing up a close relative's personal situation (which had been uppermost in my mind that day but which I had not mentioned), analyzing her problems and tracing their roots (known only within family councils).

She got the name of my wife's father right, and correctly identified a medical problem that lead to his death. She indicated she was in touch with his spirit and proceeded to speak in a detailed fashion about sensitive subjects involving both my wife and her sister - whom Char identified by name.

Char knew we lived near water and woods, (we're at a lake), and told us we'd just put in a new fireplace (correct).

Astonishingly, she talked about our having contemplated the purchase of a van, or a larger car - which we had discussed amongst ourselves just a couple of days before. She indicated I would resurrect a piece of writing that had been done years ago, and that it was for children. (Indeed, I had just been searching the attic for a piece I had written early in my career that was a narrative poem for kids).

Char talked about a half-brother and was only one letter off in identifying his rather unusual first name. She was correct in saying that we had re-established contact after many years.

Char came up with the first name of our attorney, and although my responses were rather oblique, she came back to the subject and insisted (correctly) that the lawyer had handled a real estate deal.

This was all the more remarkable because Char had admonished me at the outset, "Don't tell me anyone's name. PIease let me give the name to you... just help me out with 'yes' or 'no' answers. Even if I'm struggling, don't try to help me. Let me do it myself."

Char volunteered advice on a range of personal matters, talking as an insider would who had intimate familiarity and comfort with the subjects. Yet she did so in a circumspect way without making one feel as if she was intrusive or nosy.

The most affecting part of the session came when Char conveyed brief messages from what she claimed were the spirits of deceased loved ones - including an apology from one whom she accurately noted had been troubled in his lifetime. How could she have known?

It went on and on like this, to the point where I figured she probably knew whether I wore boxers or briefs.

How does this woman do it?

"I don't believe that we die, I just believe that our spirit passes on to another place. And that we keep living different lifetimes until we elevate our soul to a higher level, so that we can sit at the right hand of God," Char asserts.

"I believe we all have guardian angels or spirit guides that walk with us," she says. "When I 'read,' what happens is that the angels or guides around you talk to my spirit guide, and then I interpret to the best of my ability what it is they want you to know. The way that my gift works is, I get initials, I hear names, then I put these sounds together and it helps me to identify who I'm talking about in your life," Char continued.

"Not all things in life are predestined; we create a lot of our destiny," she theorizes. "Life is a school; we're here to learn. We're given choice; we have free will. Many times in a reading, I'll be guided to give somebody a path to take, rather than predict what will happen, to help them succeed in what it is they need to achieve.

"I always say a prayer before I read; not that this is a religion, it's not, but in everyday life, there are good and bad people and in the spirit world, there are good and evil spirits. I don't take any chances," she says seriously. "I always say my prayer of protection before I do my readings to make sure only positive things come in around us."

Char won't lend her name to those "Psychic Hotlines" advertised on late night TV, saying "I can only tell you this: I am not a rich woman. I have turned down a lot of money, a lot of money ... for them to use my name. I will not do it because I can only stand behind what I say, and I don't know these other people who are picking up the phone and answering. Now some ["psychics"] may be good and sincere and honest and some may be bad ... but there's no way I can put my name behind something that I am not in control of."

Char has even helped police departments locate missing persons. According to Sgt. Dan Becerra, supervisor of Robbery Homicide for the Fullerton, Calif. police department, "It took just one visit with Char to become a believer. The information that she has provided has been very accurate. I have so much admiration for her." In the past, Char's work with the Santa Monica police led authorities to the bodies of a missing couple, as well as supplied authorities with the murder suspect's name.

Char does telephone consultations with the general public, as well as celebrity clients like Blake Edwards, Tristan Rogers and John Schneider. Demi Moore sought Char's help while researching her film role as a psychic in "The Butcher's Wife."

The premise that some people have a gift for clairvoyance has been debated for centuries, with much of the skepticism originating in the Western world.

"Psychics" have long been embraced as an essential part of many Asian and African cultures and religions. In Japan, for instance, they help determine such propitious moments as when to change jobs and consummate romances, where to build homes and how to start a new business. It is estimated that the Japanese alone spend more than $8 billion a year on such consultations, which average $250 per session.

"The more uncertain the times, the more people look for some sort of anchor, something that tells them there's a future to look forward to," explains William George, a director of Parapsychological Services Institute in Atlanta, Ga. "The intimacy of a psychic reading is very appealing. Just the experience of sitting there with someone's undivided attention feels good."

Char makes it clear that she does not give out medical advice, and "I don't let people become dependent on me. It is a God-given gift, and I treat it as that. The most important thing about it is that it helps people; that's the beautiful thing about what I do.

"I truly believe we all are psychic," she affirms. "It's just another sense that we're learning to develop" through evolution. Char says it's important to "learn to listen to our instincts..."

CALL CHAR AT 248-352-8299.
(Be sure to tell her you read about her in Midwest Today).


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